Squadron 226 AAFC Logo
The AAFC is a youth development organisation sponsored by the Royal Australian Air Force. The organisation has a long tradition of providing unique experiences for Australia’s youth to develop their character and build lifelong skills.

As an Air Force cadet, student will:

  • Learn to fly gliders, powered aircraft and drones
  • Develop survival skills
  • Make lifelong friends
  • Develop leadership and team work skills
  • Complete firearms training
  • Develop a knowledge of the Australian Defense Force in particular the RAAF
  • Learn to be self-dependent and organised
  • Perfect drill and ceremonial skills
  • Become disciplined and confident

Cadets meets onsite at Genesis Christian College.

For more information email the 226 Squadron AAFC Commanding Officer or visit their website.

Sign up for Cadets at our next Recruiting Information Evening 

Details below:
